What career Lifecycle stage are you in?

I have become obsessed with learning and teaching how to build a successful career. So, what are the three (3) key steps?

1)      Define your career aspiration – previous blog

2)      Determine what career lifecycle stage you are in

3)      Develop your action plan

My last blog was on, “How do you define your career aspiration?” This blog is on finding you career lifecycle stage:

The ADAPT lifecycle model is a simple model to help you assess your progress, challenges & opportunities ahead of you. There are no ages, no set durations, and no “must dos”.  Every career is unique and requires constant support along the way.

So where are you today?

First stage is Acquire – Learning how to learn. Generally, this stage is at the beginning of your career, or is used to reinvent your career. This stage should encourage you to be open minded and seek knowledge. It includes experimentation-brainstorming on how to build the foundation of your career. It also teaches you the basic skills needed to be a contributing member of a work team or company.

Second stage is Develop – Begin, Challenge and Find What Works for You. You are ready to take your skills & knowledge to the work place.  A startup job can further refine your career aspiration and help you develop confidence in the workplace. This may be a period of uncertainty, a time you are seeking financial independence and finding about the frustrations of the “daily grind”. Explore the workplace, companies, industries and different jobs. Find a job, company or industry that fits you best.

Third stage is Apply – Continue Your Journey.  You see your longer career path in an industry, company or profession that are aligned with your aspirations. This is a critical period to develop your professional brand, network and a deeper understanding of your clients & stakeholders. Manage your career pace, taking the express way or the more scenic route. Regardless of which path, you choose what is right for you!

Forth stage is Produce – Be the Best You Can, Now! Challenging and potentially very rewarding, but in this stage, you will need to run hard, fast and potentially long to achieve your fullest potential. Your judgement and behavior will leave lasting impacts on the organization and the people around you. Expectations of you can be significant, find ways to keep your batteries charged and focused on the important things at work and at home.

Fifth stage is Transition – Retire or Reinvent? This period of your life can be very exciting, but it takes time to transition. You may want to stay relevant, engaged in those things you found interesting in your career. Or you may want to start a business, a new career or just spend time with family and friends. Be thoughtful and proactive about your next steps, develop a personal plan. Whatever you decide, do it on your own terms – you deserve it!

Building your career takes a lifetime, but it can be rewarding. Start with your aspirations, determine where you are in the career lifecycle and then develop your action plan. Own your career, craft it the way you want it, and be proud of your accomplishments when you look back. No regrets, no do-overs, just a life and a career well-lived.

See more career advice in “Own Your Career-No One Else Will”, by Paul R. Goudreault. Available on Amazon and at your local book store.


Do you have a career aspiration?


Career action plan